Sources These are sources I used, especially those on-line that provided primary documents. However, the principal on-line documents I used are from the collections in Founders On-line and on-line papers of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, the Adams Family, and Anna Marie Thornton. My footnotes provide links to every document. I am also slowly trying to share documents I copied while researching Through a Fiery Trial. That entails photographing 35 year old photocopies and uploading those images. My footnotes link to the blog posts that contain the documents: Commissioners' Records , Speculators' Papers: Greenleaf, Morris and Nicholson , Miscellaneous Sources . Other posts copy pages from printed sources that are quoted in the text: from my own books , and editorial commentary by C. M. Harris in volume one of Papers of William Thornton . A goodly number of Thornton's correspondence and writings collected by Harris are available in other on-line sources to which my footno...